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With over 1400 members, New York Rural Water Association, Inc. (NYRWA) is the largest membership organization representing small water/wastewater systems in the state. Our system members include villages, towns, municipal water and sewer districts, county authorities, state and federal institutions/facilities, schools and colleges, investor-owned water utilities, homeowner associations, and privately owned systems such as mobile home parks. Most of our systems serve a population of less than 10,000 each. NYRWA is run by and for rural systems. A volunteer Board of Directors comprised of representatives from rural water/wastewater systems and small communities governs us. In addition, NYRWA has over 150 Associate Members. Our Associate Members include industry suppliers, consultants, and contractors. The support of these companies is a key to NYRWA's success. NYRWA is also affiliated with the National Rural Water Association.

NYRWA assists communities and systems to comply with complex regulations and to protect the public health and environment. We assist communities and systems through on-site technical assistance, specialized training, and as a liaison to the government. We provide hands-on practical technical assistance at no cost on a wide variety of topics such as state and federal regulations, reporting, fiscal management, initial and continuing training needs, source water protection, system operation and maintenance, and solid waste management. Our staff work one-on-one with system personnel throughout the state and make thousands of on-site visits to communities and systems annually.

NYRWA offers specialized training to industry professionals at regional meetings and our statewide annual technical conference. Our training sessions cover a broad spectrum of needs and allow our industry professionals to upgrade their skills. Finally, NYRWA acts as a liaison between the state and federal government, local communities, and rural water and wastewater systems. We monitor the rules and regulations promulgated by these agencies, track state and federal legislation, and work to express our opinions on behalf of our members in New York.