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Town of Greenport Water and Wastewater Foreman Fred Fuchs Retirement

Submitted by networx on

Post courtesy of the Town of Greenport Water & Wastewater Department.

After 20 years of service to the Town of Greenport as an employee, Fred Fuchs is retired on October 18, 2024.

Fred started his career in the Water and Wastewater Department on September 13, 2004. He started working at a time when water breaks were numerous and working at the wastewater plant truly was a dirty job.

Fred is a talented carpenter. During his career he constructed the judge’s bench in the courtroom at Town Hall. He also helped to build the baseball barn at the Greenport Town Park.

An active member of Greenport Pumper Co. 1, Fred is an amazing asset to the community. Year after year, he responds almost every time the alarm sounds. He is the guy who runs into burning buildings and attempts to pull individuals out of wrecked cars.

We wish Fred the best of luck in his retirement. If you see Fred driving around town in his antique Ford hot rod, or maybe at Lebanon Valley Speedway, or at the next Godsmack concert, be sure to thank him. Fred is, and has always been, devoted to the Town of Greenport.

NYRWA wishes Fred the best in his retirement!

