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We've Pumped So Much Groundwater That We've Nudged The Earth's Spin

  • 5 July 2023
  • jherman

By pumping water out of the ground and moving it elsewhere, humans have shifted such a large mass of water that the Earth tilted nearly 80 centimeters (31.5 inches) east between 1993 and 2010 alone, according to a new study published in Geophysical Research Letters, AGU’s journal for short-format, high-impact research with implications spanning the Earth and space sciences.

Video Series: Process Control Technical Assistance for Small Mechanical WWTPs

  • 11 April 2023
  • ckearns

Geared toward plant owners and operators of smaller systems with flow of less than 1 million gallons per day
Mar 6, 2023

A four-part video series available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) focuses on improving CWA-NPDES permit compliance at Small Mechanical Wastewater Treatment Systems (WWTPs).
