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WIIA and IMG Program Funding for Water and Wastewater Projects

Submitted by scalera on

The New York State Department of Health announced some upcoming drinking water funding opportunities and webinars for public water systems.

Specifically, the call for applications for the 3rd round of the NYS Water Grants program, now called the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act (WIIA) program has been announced. It will provide $112.5 million in grants in 2017 for drinking water infrastructure projects.  Note: Applications that were submitted for rounds 1 & 2 that did not receive grants will be carried over to round 3.  

In addition, the new Inter-municipal Grant (IMG) program has been announced which will make available a total of $30 million in grants in 2017 for both drinking water and wastewater inter-municipal infrastructure projects.

The DOH will be co-administering both of these programs for the drinking water infrastructure project applications.

Two webinars are scheduled on the following dates to provide information on these programs:

May 9, 2017 at 11:00 AM   


June 1, 2017 at 2:00 PM EST

Detailed WIIA and IMG program information including application materials, guidance materials, drop box link, and webinar registration instructions is available at:

It should be noted that WIIA and IMG program funds are not considered DWSRF funds and municipalities are not required to take DWSRF financing for any non-grant funded portion of their project. However, DWSRF funds may be made available as an option to supplement the WIIA or IMG program awards if so desired by the municipalities that receive grant awards.

Please contact Michael Montysko or David Phillips, of our office, at (518) 402-7650 or via email at or, respectively, if you have any questions on these programs as it relates to drinking water infrastructure projects.

