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December 2014

Listening Sessions coming up on 2014 Farm Bill – Please consider Participating

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USDA Rural Development is holding a listening session to hear comments on the 2014 Farm Bill provision that requires the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) to encourage private financing of rural water and waste disposal facilities and how it impacts USDA’s Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant programs. Included in Section 6019 of the Farm Bill, the requirement would:

CDC Preparing Ebola Guidance for Wastewater Sector Workers

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NAWC has been working with water associations and public health organizations to obtain reliable and credible information on the fate and transport of the Ebola virus in wastewater collection and drinking water systems in order address the concerns and questions from the water sector and to develop protective precautions.

To that end, we are in contact and in conversation with the CDC and US EPA on the issue of wastewater worker safety and the inactivation of Ebola by wastewater treatment processes.

What Does “Flushable” Really Mean?

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Utilities across the country are delivering the “3 Ps” message to their customers, asking them to flush only the 3 Ps – pee, poop, and toilet paper.  But since many manufacturers and retailers label some wipes and other products “flushable,” NACWA and its utility members are often asked if other products could be safe to flush, and what criteria these products would need to meet to call themselves flushable.

There are no clear answers to these questions yet, but the wastewater industry will be working with the nonwoven fabrics industry starti

Check out this new way to clean your worst water mains

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ICE PIGGING combines the operational advantages of flushing with the cleaning impact of soft pigging. The Ice Pig is a semi-solid that is pumped like a liquid and flows through changes in diameter, bends and fittings without blockage. ICE PIGGING has a minimum impact on operations. The ice pig is simply pumped into and recovered from a hydrant at each end of the pipe section without excavation or modification to the hydrant.


London’s Singing Sewermen Belt Out The Twelve Blockages of Christmas

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London’s singing sewermen belt out ‘The Twelve Blockages of Christmas’
Thames Water’s hardy east London sewermen have released their own, reworded version of the holiday carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas” to discourage people from washing drain-blocking turkey fat down the drain this holiday season.

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