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Copenhagen Water Emergency Continues

Submitted by scalera on

The water emergency in the village of Copenhagen continued Friday, as village officials began testing an unused well to see if it could provide some water.

Two wells the village relied on went dry in September, prompting the water emergency. 

A third well is now being tested. If it can produce 45 gallons a minute for a 24 hour period, it will be put to use.

"We found that we had water when the sensors inside were telling us that there was no water," said Doug Smorol, from the New York Rural Water Association.

Another possible solution, using the wells at the old pump station on Woodbattle Road.

"Currently it has two wells that produce between 45 and 50 gallons a minute, the equipment is still in there, but whether it's usable at this time is unknown," said Scott Alexander, the mayor.

Since the start of the water emergency, everyone in Copenhagen has been told to conserve, and the village has been forced to haul water in from Carthage and Lowville.

At Copenhagen Central School, they're drawing as little water as possible from the village system.

"We're using paper as much as we can in the cafeteria, we're washing buses with water out the river, just as much as we can," said Scott Connell, school superintendent.


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