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Representatives From Congressman Collins Office Tour the Village of Perry Water Treatment Plant

Submitted by ckearns on

On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Representatives from Congressman Chris Collins office toured the Village of Perry Water Treatment Plant and discussed both issues facing the water and wastewater industry as well as local issues, with representatives of the Village of Perry and the New York Rural Water Association.

Jeff Drain, Superintendent for the Village of Perry Water and Wastewater systems, explained the workings of the facility, as well as, the many upgrades and improvements that have been achieved over the recent years.  Erynn Hook and Sarah Minkel from Congressman Collins office took time out from their busy schedules to hear first hand from our Operations Specialists in the field about the many issues facing our systems today.  Village Trustee Eleanor Jacobs, and Village Administrator Matt Jensen also provided the representatives with the administrative perspective of the difficulties facing our local municipalities. 


Pictured Left to Right: Matt Jensen, Village Administrator; Jeff Drain, Water & Wastewater Superintendent; Erynn Hook, Legislative Director Congressman Collins; Sarah Minkel, Communications Director Congressman Collins; and Eleanor Jacobs, Village Trustee



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